Friday, November 9, 2007

Chapters 16, 17 & the AFTERWORD

1. In what way had the Johansons, Peter and Uncle Henrik act as bodygaurds for the Jews?

2. What is your opinion of Number the Stars? Make sure you support your answer with details or text evidence.


Anonymous said...

1.The Johansens had been a bodygaurd for Jews by hiding Ellen. Peter helped the Jews by takeing them to a safe place. Uncle Henrik saved them by letting them stay at his farm.
2. I really liked the book Number The Stars. I think it was a very well written book. One thing I did not like was that every chapter ended with a cliffhanger and that you stopped right there!


Anonymous said...

1.the Johansens, Peter and Uncle henrik act like body gaurds to the jews is they protect them and sacrifice their life to help the jews escape and be safe. Also stand by their side and go through the hard times with them.

2. my opinion of Number the Stars is it was avery good book in my opinion because there was alot of suspense which I really enjoyed because I love mysteries and mysteries have suspense in them. Also it was very interesting and could feel the hard times they went through. Another thing is I learned alot about the holacaust time in this book. I really enjoyed reading it.


Anonymous said...

1. The Johanens, Peter, and Uncle Henrik all helped protect the Rosens and other Jews. They all risked their lives to save others.
2. I think that Number the Stars is a very good book. Many chapters end in cliffhangers, and foreshadowing is used a lot. there are also very many other author crafts such as similies and flash backs.


Anonymous said...

1) The Johansens protected Ellen and risked their lives to help the Rosens. Peter joined the Resistance to save Jews and sabotage the Nazis. Uncle Henrik hid Jews in his boat and helped them escape.

2) I liked the book except I didn't care for the ending. I didn't expect Peter to be killed, and I wished I knew what happened to Ellen. I felt like I needed more from the ending, like knowing if Ellen made it back to Copenhagen. I enjoyed the action near the end when Annemarie had to get the basket to Uncle Henrik. I loved hearing about Kirsti, she was so funny! Aside from the ending, I thought it was a great book.

Anonymous said...

1) They had acted like that because when they were in the boat they had a hankerchifthat wore away the smell of the jewswho are under the boat.They would risk their lives to save the lives of jews.

2)I think that it is a great book.It teaches you alot about the holocaust and what the jews had to go through like the Rosens and who they were in hiding.


Anonymous said...

1) The Johansons, Peter and Uncle Henrik acted as body guard to to the Jews by building houses in the fishermen boats and keeping them safe under the wooden plank. Then Uncle Henrik he made some sciencetest invent a handkerchief to make the Nazi dogs not smell any humans hidden in the boat. If mama hadn't found the box laying on the step and Annemarie hadn't ran it to Uncle Henrik fast enough, when the soldiers found the Ingeborg they would have of found everyone hiding and all of them would have of been killed or sent to concentration camps. They all protected the Jews.

2) I think this is the best read aloud that a teacher has ever read to me. I loved all of the cliffhangers but it wasn't a mystery. I absolutely hate mysteries so I was happy about that. The author really made me feel as if I was in the book it was great. I was surprised when Peter died at the end I thought he would make it. I made me really sad. I this boom was educational and exciting I loved it.


Anonymous said...

#1 The Johansons, peter, and uncle Henrick were like body guards for the jews by hiding them in uncle henricks boat and taking them to sweden.

#2 I really enjoyed reading nuber the stars because the story was very exiting and it was filled with suspense.

Awg #11

Anonymous said...

1. Peter, the Johansens, and Uncle Henrik were body guards for the Jews. Peter and Mrs. Johansen helped the Jews escape to a safe land, Lise was on the resistance group, and Uncle Henrik met Peter and took the Jews to Sweden on his boat.

2. I thought over all that Number the Stars was a great book. I thought that the story about girls growing up in Denmark when the Nazis took over it was a great idea. I also liked that almost every chapter ended in a cliffhanger. For example, at the end of chapter 12, Annemarie finds Mama lying on the ground and you don't know why. It really made me want to keep reading.

Anonymous said...

1)The Johansons, Peter, and Uncle Henrick were body guards to the Jews by hiding them and giving them food.

2) My opinion of Number the Stars was that it was a sad and happy book at the same time. A happy part was when the Danes won the war and the sad part was when the Nazis executed Peter.


Anonymous said...

1. They had acted as bodyguards by taking them overseas and helping them. The gave them not only food and coats, but hope for the future.

2. My opinion was that Number the Stars was a really good book to read. I think that Lois Lowry used a lot of author craft and that was what made this book really good. She used cliffhangers and foreshadows really well.

Anonymous said...

I just posted a comment with no name and it was mine.

Anonymous said...

1. The Johansens, Peter, and Uncle Henrik acted as bodygaurds to the Jews by helping them escape. They wouldn't let the Nazis take them without putting up a fight alongside the Jews in need. The Jews at the time were very fragile in a way so they needed people who were strong enough to stand up to the Nazis and protect the Jews.

2. I enjoyed reading "Number the Stars" a lot. I thought it told a great fictional story with a terrible truth behind it. For example, the burning of the Danish navy fleet was a true event, the main characters were not. Also, many brave people like the fictional Johansens did risk their lives to help Jews. I think everybody needs to read this book to have knolege of how terrible the Nazis were, after all, history does repeat it's self.


Anonymous said...

1.They act as body gards by Peter was in the reisetends like the mother in "Butterfly" and helped a lot of Jews ascape to Sweden and Uncle Henrick helped by takeing the Jews on his ship to Seweden.
2. I thought the book was interesting because I never Knew what was going to happen next.


Anonymous said...

Chapter 17 to the end
1. The Johansens, Peter, and Uncle Hendrik acted liked bodyguards for the Jews by pretending that the Jews were part of their family. They all worked together to help them escape to Sweden.
2. I liked the book. I thought the book was exciting and suspensful. There were some times when I had no idea what was going to happen. In the beginning of the book, the first time the Nazis came to the Johansens' house, the family had to act quickly to pretend that the Rosens weren't Jewish. Annemarie tore off Ellen's Star of David necklace just in time. Later on, when the girls and Mama were on the train to Uncle Hendrik's house, the soldiers questioned Kirsti. I thought she would spill the bean about what they were doing, but instead she just talked about her shoes. Then at Uncle Hendrik's house, the Nazis came to the house during the fake funeral. It was suspensful because I didn't know if they could pull it off again and fool the Nazis but they did.

Anonymous said...

1. The Johansens, Peter, and uncle henrik acted as bodygaurds for the Jews by smuggling the Jews across the sea to Sweden. Also they hid the Jews while they were being hunted by the Nazis.
2. My opinion of Number The Stars is that it's one of the best books I ever read. I really enjoyed the cliffhangers and the suspence like the cliffhanger at the end of chapter 12. The best suspenceful part would be chapter 5 when the Nazis look for the Rosens when Ellen slips right under their noses.

Anonymous said...

1)they hid the jews like in butterfly and they helped the jews escape also like in butterfly when sevrine and her family were leaving on to the train. peter was also part of the resistance going against the nazis.

2) i thought that number the stars was one of the best books i've ever read. the cliffhangers at the end of some of the chapters wanted me to read ahead really badly but i didn't. she used excellent vocab words and made the charecters seem so life like. i love that everything in the book really could have happened and thats whats brings the book to life. she also did a great job of giving little clues and hints of whats going to happen and showed many emotions as well.


Anonymous said...

1. they acted as the bodygaurds of jews by not letting the Nazis take them away. They acted and risiked there lives and not just saying they're not coming for me i don't care. Instead because the rosens were there friends they helped them escape.

2.I think that Number the Stars was a great book. It really showed me what is was like under German occupation. I didn't know it was that bad. Also I had no idea soldiers were so mean to little girls. I mean the girl really can't do any harm. Another thing is they had like no varietes of food and sometimes no electricity. It must of been really hard.

Anonymous said...

1)They ment that they could help protect them in anyway from the Nazi's,such as hiding them at the bottom of their house, bringing them to Sweden,or what the Johansens did was pretending that Ellen was Annemarie's and Kirsti's sister.
2)My opinion on Number the Stars is a good way to show what really did happen durring the Holocaust. For example When Uncle Henrik brings some Jews to a safer place (Sweden), He was probly not the only sailor to make that risky atempt.

Anonymous said...

1. they acted as bodyguards by hiding them in there homes and helping them along to freedom in Sweden.

2. my opinion of Number The STars is that it was an interesting story about what it was like back when there was the german occupation. it also explains how familys helped the jewish familys escape to freedom in Sweden.


Anonymous said...

1. Uncle Henrik and Peter acted as body guards for the Jews by hiding them under the floor boards of the boat and passing out the hankerchief that had the special solution to stop the dogs from smelling people.

2. My opinion of the Number the Stars is that had lots of suspense Chapters like the wondering what was in the casket or the chapter when I wasn't sure if mama was dead or alive. It made me want to read the next Chapter to find out what happened. It was a sad book but at the same time it had happy times. It makes me feel how lucky I am.


Anonymous said...

They acted as if the rosens had to be gurded by giving them safe shelter, food, cream, milk, and butter. Also henrik brought them to sweeden.

My opinion of this book is that it was very injoyable especialy how mr.D read it. Really good author craft.

Anonymous said...

forgot name zjb3

Anonymous said...

1) I think that the Johansons ben bodygaurds by safeing the Ellen and her famaly. Uncle Henrik safe the Jews by takeing them to swetin and hinding them.
2)I think that the book that could of had a nother chater because I wanet to hear what happened to Ellen DTF 8